FIDE test

The fide test was initiated by the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). It is recognised nationwide. It refers to linguistic situations that one encounters in everyday life in Switzerland, whether on the phone with an authority, when filling out a form or reading an e-mail from an employer.
A minimum level of proficiency in French or German is now required in the canton of Bern to obtain, L, B and C permits, as well as for naturalization.
Anyone over the age of 16.
People with a disability can also take the fide test. Special rules apply to them, which are agreed upon with the examination institution and the Secretariat fide.
You can contact an examination institution directly from our list (see below) to register (at the latest 15 days before the examination date). When registering, you can also choose whether you want to take the entire fide test, only the written part or only the oral part.
The whole test costs CHF 250.–. Only the oral part costs CHF 170.–, only the written part CHF 120.–.
The oral part lasts 40 minutes, the written part 60 minutes.
You will receive the Language Passport and the test results directly by post approximately 4 weeks after the test. The examination institution and the fide office cannot give any information about the results over the phone.
How to proceed?
Option 1
To inscribe for a fide test contact directly our schools in Biel, Solothurn or Langenthal.
Option 2
Fill in our form and send it to
Price and dates of tests
- Module 1 & 2
- Oral – Comprehension – Reading – Writing
250.- CHF - Module 1
- Oral – Comprehension
170.- CHF - Module 2
- Reading – Writing
120.- CHF
* For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us : 032 342 44 45.